From President Cornwell
Dear colleagues,
As we continue to monitor and manage the effects of COVID-19, we remain focused on continuing our work and delivering on the College’s mission. I write to convey our most recent updates on our approach to sustaining our efforts in the present context.
Before proceeding, let me say this. Our trials have redoubled my already high respect and gratitude for the people who are Rollins. Everyone – everyone – is devoting all of their energy and creativity to figuring out how to sustain the integrity of our educational mission and accomplish all the work that needs to be done. It is this level of commitment that is going to get us through this, poised to thrive for another century.
Now to the purpose of this letter. In order to maintain maximum efficiency and protect our faculty and staff colleagues, we are implementing guidelines for a temporary transition to remote work-from-home operations where possible and practical.
The College has made a commitment to continue to serve our students via virtual, synchronous online learning. With available technology, much of the day-to-day work of our staff and administrators can also be performed remotely, keeping in mind that the campus is not closed. You are free to go to your office as needed to pick up supplies, check on incoming mail, or whatever is required to perform your duties at the highest level.
At the same time, the College is preparing to continue to provide housing and food service to a limited number of students on campus who, for various reasons, are unable to return home right now. In addition, we have critical maintenance and support roles on campus that require a physical presence on campus.
In order to limit the number of faculty and staff on campus at any given time and promote social distancing, I am asking department heads and vice presidents of each division to set expectations for remote work in accordance with departmental needs, and to be as flexible as possible with schedules to enable employees to flex work hours around their family care responsibilities. We recognize that work from home is not possible for everyone. For those faculty and staff whose work requires that it be performed on campus, we will work to find the best and safest option for each particular case.
Our hope is that this arrangement will provide some much-needed flexibility, meet our civic duty for social distancing, and enable each of you to continue doing your important work for the College. I ask that you accept this as a serious responsibility and commit to a full work day, just as you do every day on campus. Now, more than ever, we need everyone giving Rollins their best work.
Shortly you will receive an email from your respective vice president or department head that will include useful tips, strategies, and guidelines for this temporary change in work. You will also receive a communication from Human Resources giving guidance on our HR policies in these circumstances.
Once more, you have my most heartfelt respect and gratitude for your care, concern, and commitment to Rollins College.