Rollins Hurricane Policy, monitoring Tropical Depression Nine

Dear Students and Families,

We know you may be following Tropical Depression Nine that will likely impact Florida next week. 

As we have shared previously, the College has emergency plans and teams in place should a storm approach our area, as the safety of our students and our campus community is top-of-mind. Many of you shared with us your hurricane plan during the college check-in and data verification process. If you have not, we ask that you take time this weekend to review your personal hurricane plan. 

Here’s what you need to know about the Rollins Hurricane Policy: 

  • If a hurricane is expected to impact Rollins and local officials recommend evacuation, all students must evacuate campus. 
  • All on-campus students must complete the Personal Hurricane Plan Form and submit it in your FoxLink Portal. Click on the “Student” tab and then “Student Life” to find the form.  
  • All off-campus students are highly encouraged to complete the Personal Hurricane Plan Form and submit in your FoxLink Portal
  • Options to consider as part of your Personal Hurricane Plan might include: traveling home, traveling to a friend or family member’s home, or sheltering locally at an American Red Cross-approved emergency shelter. 
  • If you choose to stay at an American Red Cross-approved shelter, the College will organize transportation to assist you. 
  • Rollins will not provide shelter on campus.

The better prepared you are for adverse weather, the safer you will be if a weather emergency occurs. We are proud of the plans, processes and expertise of our staff and are committed to keeping all of our students, staff, and faculty safe and informed in the event of a hurricane. 

We are here to support students who need help enacting their plan. We will continue to carefully monitor the storm and will provide an update this weekend. Please keep an eye on your email and the College’s emergency website.

Leon Hayner
Assistant Vice President and Dean of Students